Saturday, June 15, 2019

Literature Review for topic overcome resistance to change in a Essay

Literature Review for topic overcome resistance to dislodge in a arrangement - quiz ExampleAccording to Asten (2011), the first dodging that can be employed is to analyze the positive together with the negative effects of the policy that is set to be implemented. In carrying out such analysis, however, it is of significance to look at specific aspects of the policy as the simplicity of implementing such policies. Asten argues that it is far reaching for the heads of both organization to implement policies that are easy to effect. In like manner, Asten is of the opinion that the compatibility of the new policy should be considered and in that regard, it should be observed that the policy should be matched with the cultures of the organization. Another aspect of the policy that should also be considered according to Asten is the divisibility of the policy. Asten describes divisibility as whether the policy is to be implemented in full or in stages. kor (2010) is of the opinion th at whether a new policy would be implemented in a new organization depends on communication. He defines an ideal communication strategy as a situation where the heads of the organization fill the employees in on any impending changes and the employees similarly, provide the heads with their take on a new policy. home run argues that the policy may not be favorable to the employees but presenting the policy in a positive manner makes the employees see some sense in the policy that is to be introduced.According to Jansen (2000), one way to overcome resistance to change within an organization is by ensuring that the new policy does not overcharge the employees in a way. Jansen makes reference to the finite pool of worry where he argues that whenever water is being poured on a sponge, it reaches a point where the sponge becomes saturated, and any more water that is added to it will pour out instead of filling the pores of the sponge. On the same basis, Jansen is of the opinion that in as much as change is necessary

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